I take a simple test for Web-services (JAX-WS, ASP.NET) and BinaryNotesMQ performance and get the following results:
Environment: Intel Core 2 Duo 6300 / 1Gb RAM.
OS: Windows XP SP2
Transaction description: There is a process that calling service with 3 input params: 1 integer, 2 string parameters (contain small length values - approximately 5 chars) and receiving return result as simple string (~approximately 10 chars).
BNMQ: 80 bytes / 20000 tps (Java 1.6/BinaryNotes v1.4, PTPSession call async style)
ASP.NET: 643 bytes/ 400 tps (ASP.NET 2.0, async web-service call)
JAX-WS: 672 bytes/ 250 tps (Java 1.5, sync web-service call)
* Packet len is specified for call packet (without return result packet size).
Performance in tps (Transactions per second):
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