Monday, March 12, 2007

C++ vs Java vs .NET
on Solaris & Windows

It's article shows performance test results for following environments:
  • C++ (Visual Studio 2005/VC 8.0)/ Windows 2003/ Intel P4 2GHz 1Gb RAM
  • C++ (gcc 3.3.4 +STLport 4.5.3) / Sun Solaris 10 / Sun Fire v210 (2x1.34 GHz UltraSPARC) 4Gb RAM
  • C++ (Visual Studio 2005/VC 8.0)/ Windows XP/ Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 (1,8 Ghz) 1Gb RAM
  • Java (JDK 1.6) / Windows 2003 / Intel P4 2GHz 1Gb RAM
  • Java (JDK 1.6) / Sun Solaris 10 / Sun Fire v210 (2x1.34 GHz UltraSPARC) 4Gb RAM
  • Java (JDK 1.6) / Windows XP/ Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 (1,8 Ghz) 1Gb RAM
  • C# (.NET 2.0) / Windows XP/ Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 (1,8 Ghz) 1Gb RAM

All tests specified values as time execution in seconds (with milliseconds) and smaller value is the better result.
It's a primitive single-thread test. The multi-thread test is work for me in future.
Java always ran in server VM mode (-server param).

Test source code :
You can get test result table from here

Result diagrams:

1. Objects creation test
2. Call virtual method with string (for C++ uses STL string) arguments and result

(Diagram will be publish later and not available now - please read table results)

3. Call a non-virtual usual method with string (for C++ uses STL string) arguments and result

(Diagram will be publish later and not available now - please read table results)

4. Network performance test for sockets (TCP/IP). Blocking mode with packet size 256 & 10000 iteration

5. Network performance test for sockets (TCP/IP). Blocking mode with packet size 256 & 100000 iteration

6. Call a virtual method with long arguments and result

7. Call a non-virtual method with long arguments and result

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

MyPhotoAlbum. Act II

My account is removed by admin of MyPhotoAlbum today with the following message:
We have noticed that you have not uploaded any photos to your MyPhotoAlbum account, even though the account was activated over 127 days ago.

In order to provide the best possible service to our members, we automatically cancel inactive accounts after 127 days. We have therefore canceled your account for username 'abdurakhmanov'."

But I have in myphotoalbum 3 albums & more photos ;-)
I think my account is removed because of I set one message on album title about myphotoalbum service and recent "surprise".

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Arghh... A MyPhotoAlbum service suprise! :(
"Unless you or one of your site visitors makes a purchase from your MyPhotoAlbum site within the next 363 days, your account may be deleted."

Don't use MyPhotoAlbum if you want this for free!
I'm already get the new service and my photo album was at
and I'll remove the exists account at

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Intel & Sun partnership...

"[AMD] understands how business works, and that Intel's endorsing Solaris is generally good for Sun."
-- John Fowler Sun Microsystems,39044164,61983979,00.htm

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Remoting frameworks performance comparison...
I take a simple test for Web-services (JAX-WS, ASP.NET) and BinaryNotesMQ performance and get the following results:

Environment: Intel Core 2 Duo 6300 / 1Gb RAM.
OS: Windows XP SP2
Transaction description: There is a process that calling service with 3 input params: 1 integer, 2 string parameters (contain small length values - approximately 5 chars) and receiving return result as simple string (~approximately 10 chars).

BNMQ: 80 bytes / 20000 tps (Java 1.6/BinaryNotes v1.4, PTPSession call async style)
ASP.NET: 643 bytes/ 400 tps (ASP.NET 2.0, async web-service call)
JAX-WS: 672 bytes/ 250 tps (Java 1.5, sync web-service call)
* Packet len is specified for call packet (without return result packet size).

Performance in tps (Transactions per second):

Monday, January 8, 2007

The version 1.3 of BinaryNotes is coming...
This photo demonstrate it's difficult work. Compare it with this photo... ;)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Java6 release is available now!
Under my tests this release improved performance really up to 20-30% (BinaryNotes)