Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Java6 release is available now!
Under my tests this release improved performance really up to 20-30% (BinaryNotes)

Monday, December 11, 2006

New version of BinaryNotes 1.2 is released... but 1.3 already in progress and 1.4 is planned too ... ouh...
I'm tired :)

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

The new version of BinaryNotes (1.1) has been released some time ago.
But the new version 1.2 with support SET,DEFAULT and DER encoding is almost ready now. ;)
Creation of BinaryNotes needs more time, but i coming soon to new project where BinaryNotes is subproject.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Has temporarily sold a house computer. Therefore there was a small pause.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Open Source Projects
I published some own projects on sourceforge under LGPL/GPL v2 licenses .
It is BinaryNotes - the ASN.1 framework for C# and Java, and a simple implementation of finite state machine concept including the modeling utility for creation a FSM model.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Recently in Moscow city (Russia) occurred the conference Sun Tech Days.
I am present on this conference the report "Practical use of Java technologies in telecommunication"...
The photos from conference may see at my photoalbum.
Note: Not all official photos is not received still. I am waiting for Sun. When i will receive the photos then i will put these to album.
I for a long time develop for Java and now for C#, but never know that this languages supports multilingual id's. It's is powerfull functionality for embedded languages, but for these must have more lingual problems. I am shaken. :)

Monday, May 1, 2006

Heh.. Stallman, Stallman... :)

When Richard Stallman learned that a compiler architect from ATI would be speaking at MIT, he immediately started organizing a protest against ATI's damaging free software policies.

It's is really strange, but Google
nothing knows about Gmail :)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

IIOP.Net is the best!
As wrote earlier, I searched for small library (or framework) for exposure remoting interface with C# and Java bindings...
Today i tested a library IIOP.NET. It is really working library, and maybe, the best library.
Heh... And again it's using basics from CORBA.
But have some restrictions:

  • .NET Compact Framework does not supported (Not because the library does not support, and because of Microsoft which have not implementation .NET Remoting on CF).
  • Have some problems with interoperability Java 2 C#
  • Generic collections does not support (but i have added this support).

The test has following remote interface:

public interface ITest
string produceHello(string param); // simple operation
ITestRemoteObj getRemoteObj(); //remote reference
ITestValueType getObjByValue(); // object by value (valuetype)
ICollection getCollection(); // collection

// my support for generics
System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<ITestValueType> getGenericCollection();

// callback example
void doCallBack(ITestCallBack callBack);

It's is really worked for C#.. But with Java (over JavaIDL) have some troubles...
If you needs support for a "generic" collections for IIOP.NET, then welcome to sourceforge.
I have already submited the patch there.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I analyzes a some source codes and have found a following funny code in memory manager:

// Fill pattern for bytes preceeding allocated blocks
unsigned int prefixPattern = 0xbaadf00d;
// Fill pattern for bytes following allocated blocks
unsigned int postfixPattern = 0xdeadc0de;
// Fill pattern for freshly allocated blocks
unsigned int unusedPattern = 0xfeedface;
// Fill pattern for deallocated blocks
unsigned int releasedPattern = 0xdeadbeef;

Monday, March 27, 2006

RPC Lite ?
Recently wished to find easy variant of RPC framework (library, sdk, or other)...
My criteria of search the following:
  • Lite (don't use any application servers).
  • Support a remote interface references.
  • Don't need cardinally reflow a ready to use local interfaces.
  • Support for Java and C#.
I have tried some found frameworks, but not one of them has not approached... :(

Friday, March 17, 2006

Service delivery platform for Telecommunications.
An overview of the ready to use platforms.
Part III.

3. Kabira

Company is using third-party J2EE application servers and create own environment for them. Environment contains the service enablers (gateways, API, etc), FT/LB (Fault tolerance / load balancing) extensions and business process management). Supports powerful feature for creation service based MDA (Model Driven Architecture).

Sample architect the service with MDA (in IBM Rational):

Engineering Results

  • Performance: 1080 TPS on two 2-way SPARC servers with 4 Gb of memory each
  • Latency: With no load, end-to-end latency was approximately 25 ms. Under load end to end latency was 175 ms.
Development Time: Core development: 16 man months, Additional development to fine tune business processes 6 man months.

Service delivery platform for Telecommunications.
An overview of the ready to use platforms.
Part II.

2. HP Service Delivery Platform.

HP develops and support own SDP solution, which primary based on J2EE or .NET application server from other company. HP deploy the implementation of API for Parlay, Parlay-X, VXML, ccXML, SS7(??), SIP, SIMPLE, SMPP, MLP, LIF. HP is offer to use development environment from third-party companies for J2EE (for example, Eclipse) and .NET (Microsoft).

Also HP, like IBM, deploys the Ubiquity application server for SIP based applications.

Service delivery platform for Telecommunications.
An overview of the ready to use platforms.
Part I.

This is part of my analytical report describes application servers and their features. The report is focused for IT technologies for telecom industries.

1. IBM WebSphere.

IBM WebSphere (WebSphere Everyplace Server for Telecom, WebSphere Business Integration).

J2EE application server with implemented API from ETSI/3GPP (Parlay, Parlay-X). Has powerful and more functionality development environment WebSphere Studio and IBM Rational Developer. Also he has built-in facilities for load-balancing services. The application server from IBM supports Business Process Management (BPM) and Business Process Execution Language. Using Rational product lines you mat introduce Business Process Diagrams (BPMN).

For creation services based SIP protocol, IBM offer application server from Ubiquity (www.ubiquitysoftware.com).

The server from Ubiquity use SIP-container based on JAIN SIP API (compliant with JSR 116).

For 3g networks offer the next architecture:

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I am tired... :(
A second day I am reading billions specifications from 3gpp.... :(

Thursday, February 9, 2006

I went to shop and finally bought a ink pen... Yeahh!
Really this action took a lot of time... Time to market! :)
But the ink pen is really cool!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

LL-parser & LR-parser
My colleague has sent a pair useful links about LL & LR parsers...
These technologies were not absolutely clear for me.
Long live to Wikipedia !

I have sent to my colleague the link to the book for stop smoke (as reply). :)
Joke by SUN ? :)
Do you know that the first 4 bytes at any java class file is 0xCA 0xFE 0xBA 0xBE?